MMA - 12 Week Strength and Conditioning Program
Become stronger, faster, and more powerful in the cage by implementing a science-based strength and conditioning program that fits your schedule!
About Your Strength Program
About Your Conditioning Program
About Your LSS Program
Putting It All Together
Day 1 - Strength
Day 2 - Conditioning 1.1
Day 3 - Rest/Recovery
Day 4 - Strength
Day 5 - Conditioning 1.2
Day 6 - LSS
Day 7 - Rest/Recovery
Day 1 - Strength
Day 2 - Conditioning 1.3
Day 3 - Rest/Recovery
Day 4 - Strength
Day 5 - Conditioning 1.4
Day 6 - LSS
Day 7 - Rest/Recovery
Day 1 - Strength
Day 2 - Conditioning 1.1 (reduced)
Day 3 - Rest/Recovery
Day 4 - Strength
Day 5 - Conditioning 1.3 (reduced)
Day 6 - LSS (reduced)
Day 7 - Rest/Recovery
Day 1 - Strength
Day 2 - Conditioning 1.1
Day 3 - Rest/Recovery
Day 4 - Strength
Day 5 - Conditioning 1.2
Day 6 - LSS
Day 7 - Rest/Recovery
Day 1 - Strength
Day 2 - Conditioning 1.3
Day 3 - Rest/Recovery
Day 4 - Strength
Day 5 - Conditioning 1.4
Day 6 - LSS
Day 7 - Rest/Recovery
Day 1 - Strength
Day 2 - Conditioning 1.2 (reduced)
Day 3 - Rest/Recovery
Day 4 - Strength
Day 5 - Conditioning 1.4 (reduced)
Day 6 - LSS
Day 7 - Rest/Recovery
Day 1 - Strength
Day 2 - Conditioning 1.5
Day 3 - Rest/Recovery
Day 4 - Strength
Day 5 - Conditioning 1.6
Day 6 - LSS
Day 7 - Rest/Recovery
Day 1 - Strength
Day 2 - Conditioning 1.2
Day 3 - Rest/Recovery
Day 4 - Strength
Day 5 - Conditioning 1.4
Day 6 - LSS
Day 7 - Rest/Recovery
Day 1 - Strength
Day 2 - Conditioning 1.1 (reduced)
Day 3 - Rest/Recovery
Day 4 - Strength
Day 5 - Conditioning 1.3 (reduced)
Day 6 - LSS
Day 7 - Rest/Recovery
Day 1 - Strength
Day 2 - Conditioning 1.5 (reduced)
Day 3 - Rest/Recovery
Day 4 - Strength
Day 5 - Conditioning 1.6 (reduced)
Day 6 - LSS
Day 7 - Rest/Recovery
Day 1 - Strength
Day 2 - Conditioning 1.5
Day 3 - Rest/Recovery
Day 4 - Strength
Day 5 - Conditioning 1.6
Day 6 - LSS (reduced)
Day 7 - Rest/Recovery
Day 1 - Strength
Day 2- Rest/Recovery
Day 3 - Rest/Recovery
Day 4 - Strength
Day 5 - Rest/Recovery
Day 6 - Rest/Recovery
Day 7 - Rest/Recovery
What's Next?